Fugget About It (2012–2021)
5 for effort
17 November 2021
This show really tries to be funny. Like Family Guy (which it is CLEARLY trying to emulate, don't lie to yourself) it goes for a jokes per minute approach to storytelling. Unfortunately the jokes are insultingly simplistic, frequently unclever, bottom of the barrel jokes. The writers give it a good try but seem to be under the impression that crude, foul-mouthed, sexual humor is funny just because it's a cartoon. They often forgo any subtlety or cleverness to make a joke land and just go for the obvious, low hanging fruit punchlines.

Like the foul-mouthed, rambunctious little girl (basically Stewie Griffin or any of the children from South Park) whose only jokes seem to be her saying bad words that get bleeped out or doing over the top things like breaking a bottle and threatening somebody with it. It's funny because she's a little kid and she shouldn't be acting like that!! Get it!? It's funny!!

I can completely understand why this show was cancelled. It got a chance to find its footing and audience and it just couldn't. I honestly think it got one more season than it deserved.

In a world full of adult cartoons like Family Guy, South Park, Rick and Morty, Archer, etc. It tries to be like all of them without bringing anything even remotely original or clever to the table.
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