An average and unremarkable rom-com
17 November 2021
Chilly Scenes of Winter is a romantic comedy that is big on the romance, but very light on the comedy. John Heard plays a guy who can be a bit wacky and I appreciate the flashes of that silliness we see from him, but it's certainly far from laugh-out-loud funny. The story is an extremely basic one about a guy who falls in love with a married woman and can't seem to get over her even when she has broken things off. I kind of struggle with these relationships that seem doomed from the start. It's hard for me to get invested in the romance of the two characters because I think they should both move on with their lives (and probably shouldn't have started up the affair in the first place.) I do enjoy the actors, and I thought they did a decent job with what they were given in the script, but it's not a story that is interesting or original enough to warrant a feature film. Chilly Scenes of Winter might seem like a good movie if it was released on the Hallmark Channel or something, but when compared with other theatrical romantic comedies, this is a bore.
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