A Gift to Remember (2017 TV Movie)
Wonderful characters and a sweet, sweet Holiday storyline.
17 November 2021
Darcy works at a bookstore and on the way to work runs over a gentleman, that she has seen through the window of the bookshop, with her bicycle. Unfortunately, the gentleman suffers from a head injury that causes memory loss. Darcy agrees to take care of his dog (who was with him at the time of the accident) since he will be in the hospital. She then sets out to help mystery man figure out his identity. In the process of helping him find his true identity...Darcy who has truly discerning taste in men(I.e. She wants them to be literate...and like books as much as she does) slowly starts to fall for mystery man even though she thinks he may be on the verge of asking a woman to marry him. She also thinks his name is William A. He thinks his name is Aiden and doesn't seem to identify with many of the items Darcy brings from his home. (He lost his phone and identification in the accident). She has his keys and he had Christmas cards to mail...so a return address.

This was an interesting story based on a romance novel of the same name. The two characters had instant chemistry and I liked that they tried to build a mystery of sorts. I also appreciated the literary quotes and sentiments around knowing more about someone once you know who their favorite authors are and what they like to read.

Overall this was a sweet Hallmark Holliday movie, with a great lead and supporting cast that you should watch at least once.
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