Will & Grace (1998–2020)
Ran Too Long
27 November 2021
The first few seasons of this breakthrough series were excellent, beautifully written and a boon to the LGBTQ community. It definitely changed the hearts and minds of millions toward accepting this important alternative lifestyle. Unfortunately, like most sitcoms, it went on way too long, losing its energy by season six. Though there were some hilarious episodes the last few years, they were few and far between. By season 8, it was a mess, not funny, poorly written and you could tell that even the cast was getting tired. The audience were wary of this show a couple of years before. They even 'Californiaized' the series in the last season. That was a big letdown for what had always been a quintessential NYC show.

Don't bother watching the three recent seasons (2017-2020). What a mistake that was. They should have let well enough alone which is true of most relaunched sitcoms.
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