Tales of Tomorrow: Ahead of His Time (1952)
Season 1, Episode 41
Weak, simplistic time-travel yarn
2 December 2021
Sam Whipple, a nebbish with a time-machine is drawn into a distant idyllic future (2054 AD!) where he finds out that he is Earth's last hope against a century-old radioactive contagion. Some of the venerable sci-fi anthology's episodes are pretty good for primitive low-budget teleplays but this is not one of them. The story makes little sense, especially as no attempt is made to explain away either the 'grandfather paradox' inherent in the plot or the implausibly convenient nature of the apocalyptic plague, and the choice to frame the story by 'breaking the fourth wall' was ill-advised as the actor playing the inventor (Paul Tripp) was borderline amateurish (he was also the writer, so strike two). I enjoy working my way through the pioneering sci-fi series but this episode will be of interest only to completists (and I am a sucker for time-travel stories).
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