The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone (2013)
Season 4, Episode 8
Utterly depressing but very good filmmaking
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Governor gives the prison group an ultimatum to vacate the area.

I cannot say I enjoyed this episode, because the subject matter is so downbeat. However, I do appreciate what a great piece of filmmaking it is.

The big theme of series 4 so far is whether or not characters can 'come back' from what they have done and experienced in life so far. This episode answers some of those questions in a very hard hitting way. Humanity is destined to destroy itself when certain leaders have power and people are prepared to follow them. You only have to research various atrocities committed throughout history to find out that in chaotic situations, seemingly decent people are capable of the most idiotic and horrific acts of violence and destruction.

When all hell breaks loose in 'Too Far Gone' we are presented with some of the most intensely violent action of the show so far. Technically it is incredibly well done. It is brutal, suspenseful, and afterwards you might need to recover in a similar way to the famous opening scene of 'Saving Private Ryan'. The cinematography, art design, acting, editing and direction is all top drawer.

I struggled with some aspects of the writing. Personally I think there are contrivances in the plot to bring about the big event. The Governor makes a big speech and then everyone says they 'are in'. This is a man who they just met who says he wants to do it peacefully but they must be prepared to kill if necessary. Fair enough. The same people are offered the prison in a shared arrangement by someone else they just met, and the Governor's response is to hack open a prisoner's neck in an obviously vindictive act of terror. Aside from one dissenting voice everybody follows him like sheep. Personally I don't think the writers did enough to make that situation plausible. Perhaps I am giving humanity too much credit as there are a lot of sheep in the world but it felt like a stretch to me.

That is my only gripe with the episode as everything else works fantastically well. The performances of actors like David Morrissey, Andrew Lincoln and Scott Wilson are superb as ever.

For me it's an 8.5/10 but I always round upwards.
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