Santa Inc. (2021)
A practical demonstration of Hollywood's ignorance.
4 December 2021
There are plenty of 1 star reviews explaining how horrible, incompetent and plain nasty this show is, so I won't bother going into that aspect. Instead, I will point out the only interesting part of this disaster - all of Hollywood appear to be totally unable to process why people hate it.

Of course they have wheeled out their standard boogeyman, internet trolls, to explain it. They literally blame an imaginary team of trolls because they can't understand that creating a hateful Christmas show is going to be unpopular with most people. I am actually surprised they haven't blamed Russian bots yet.

Hopefully someone, somewhere in the Hollywood hierarchy has some rusty gears in their head creaking to life and realising the once again, money they have sunk into a Seth Rogen flop will never be returned to them.
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