No matter where you go, you can't escape yourself
4 December 2021
Have you ever seen a movie or television show where the characters suddenly act oddly, only to realize that you are watching a dream sequence?

I started the movie filled with questions about the odd behavior of the two principal characters. What very successful architect misses an important flight to give a young woman a ride? Why would two Europeans spend hours talking in clunky English rather than reverting to German or French? Why would the man waste his time on an odd and talk talk talky girl. Why does the director keep showing shots of the airport schematic? Who is the young woman and why does she want to kill?

Then the movie gave me the answers. Liars dream up stories because they don't like the truth. If they tell the lies long enough, then it REPLACES their truth. But it is still a lie.

The movie is interesting, but the characters are so unlikable and the pacing so uneven that it's a chore to get to the end.
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