Review of Evil Eye

Evil Eye (1975)
Very ordinary Spanish/Italian/Mexican co-production with good cast as Jorge Rivero , Richard Conte , Pilar Velazquez
7 December 2021
People around Peter Crane (Jorge, ¨George¨, Rivero) begin dying in mysterious circumstances . Peter starts having nightmares dealing with grisly killings . The police authorities have to face some really brutal murders. A hard-nosed police inspector (Anthony Steffen) and a deputy (Alvaro De Luna) start investigating the case , they have to find out if the wealthy playboy Peter Crane is involved in the bizarre crimes . He suffers from terrible nightmares that make him believe that he is responsible for these murders . As psychiatrist Dr. Stone (veteran Hollywood actor Richard Conte) and his helper Dr. Turner (Pilar Velazquez) place Paul in a hospital for a deep observation . As Crane maybe really possessed by malevolant dreams until a surprising and astonishing final . Along the way , Peter falls in love for the beautiful Dr. Sarah Turner .

This terrifying and chilling Italian/Spanish exploitation displays creepy images , disturbing frames , eerie scenes , nudism and horror . This is pretty entertaining fantastic stuff about a young playboy turns possessed from a strange cult , while seeks answers from his astonishing nightmares . This is the Spanish/Italian/Mexican answer to American horror hit , The Exorcist by William Friedkin . Atmospheric and oddball horror movie contains terrifying scenes when appears a weird magic circle with a lot of naked people , possession scenes and taking place cruel killings , terror , and confusion around Peter Crane and other people around him . The movie is running out of ideas a lot ; however , being still good enough to be fun . Although there are some lousily made scenes , including primitive special effects . It's a slight fun with so-so make-up , naive FX , adequate set decoration and functional art direction . The fable is sometimes silly and laughable , though a few effects and intriguing set pieces are professionally made . Some illogical parts in the story are more than compensated for the excitement provided by some bizarre images , though sometimes are a little bit cheesy . Main and support cast are acceptable . The Mexican Jorge Rivero plays the unsettling playboy trying to unravel the mystery suffering from the effects caused by his nightmares . Pilar Velazquez plays a gorgeous psychiatrist who helps him , along with veteran Richard Conte as a suspicious shrink . Being a Spain/Italy co-production here shows up a number of familiar faces as Spanish actors : Eduardo Fajardo, Terele Pavez , Alvaro de Luna , Lone Fleming , as Italian players : Spaghetti Western star Antony Steffen , Daniela Giordano , Luis La Torre and Luciano Pigozzi , nicknamed the Italian Peter Lorre . All of them starred several exploitation films during the 60s, 70s and early 80s.

The Exorcist by William Friedkin spawned countless imitations , rip-offs , and clones all around the world ; in fact Malocchio (1975) its Spanish title is ¨Más allá del exorcismo¨, meaning "Beyond the Exorcism" in English , and it features no exorcism . And it pretended to be a spin-off to The Exorcist (1973) , a sub-genre who abounded in Italy and Spain in the Seventies , hoping in getting some successes from the original movie , such as : ¨House of exorcism¨ by Mario Bava , ¨L'anticristo¨ by Alberto de Martino , ¨Holocaust 2000¨ by Alberto de Martino , ¨La bimba di Satana¨ by Mario Bianchi , ¨Malabimba¨ by Andrea Bianchi ; and likewise in Spain with others knock-offs , there was made four at the same time , such as : ¨Devil play¨ by Jorge Darnell (74), ¨Demon Witch Child¨ or ¨La Endemoniada ¨ by Amando De Ossorio (74) , ¨The Spiritist¨(1975) and ¨Exorcismo¨ (1975) by Juan Bosch .

Malocchio(1975) packs an agreeable and groovy musical score by Stelvio Capriani by composing blending some smooth funky and lounge sounds . As well as atmospheric and functional cinematography by Vicente Minaya , being shot in Spain and Italy , RPA - Elios Studios, Rome, Lazio . This bewildering picture was middlingly directed by Mario Siciliano . He was an Italian professional who wrote , produced, directed various films in all kinds of genres . As he directed s the following ones : Wartime (Seven red berets , Overrun) ,Terror (Evil eye) , Adventure (Lions of St Petersburg , Wild geese attack) , Adult and Western (Alleluja and Sartana strike again ; Trinity and Sartana are coming) . Rating 4.5/10 . Inferior Giallo/Horror movie , containing some images being near unwatchable at times . This terrror movie is appointed exclusively for Eurotrash hardcore fans .
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