The Hustler of Muscle Beach (1980 TV Movie)
I watched this on Youtube!
8 December 2021
After watching another video on youtube with John Hansen who had the main guy Tim Kimber on discussing things in bodybuilding now vs then! So I said what the heck and went for it, and golly was it enjoyable not just cause it touched on bb a bit but because the writing was excellent imo! I felt it was tight and thorough and it explained itself and it was altogether stylistic enough to push it through to the end and make it a worth-while experience! I highly recommend, just wish Mr. Zane came in with his clothes off! He was clad in a heavy suit so it felt like a waste but wth! It was nice to see some of the beacons of our beloved sport in something pretty cool and something that worked and I would highly recommend it to fans of bb and fans that want to learn a lil' about a fun cult sport and it had some fun acting as well from the protagonist and the cute 70's Farrah Fosset hairdo chick as well! Cool job way to go!
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