Review of Mulan

Mulan (1998)
Lovely family fun!
13 December 2021
This is your standard Disney Princess movie, however the role the "Princess" plays is different compared to a lot of the films that came before.

Mulan is not a helpless girl waiting for a man to save her, although that line is still shown by her inability to find herself a man to marry. Mulan takes on her Fathers responsibility and goes to fight the Huns who are invading China, demonstrating in the process she is more than capable of looking after herself (in disguise as a boy) as well as saving her fellow soldiers!

It is very easy watching and isn't as Sing-Song as some other Disney films, although of course singing does still take place. The voice casting is excellent with Eddie Murphy as the dragon Mushu being a stand out. It's essentially his audition for Donkey in Shrek!

The animation as you would expect is too notch. I'd happily watch this one again with the family anytime soon!
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