Brain Freeze (I) (2021)
Watchable but not understandable
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So there is some kind of virus that contaminated the water and everyone who drunk water became a zombie .. a teenager who doesnt like water doesnt get infected neither does his baby sister who always feeds from a bottle water. Struggling to survive ,they meet a not infected guy who's trying to save his infected daughter and together they are trying to figure out what's happening. 2 girls appear all of the sudden and its more likely that they are the reason for this whole mess , why they did it ? We dont know .. whats the purpose? Thier goal? NOT AXPLAINED And it seemed they wanted to blow up the golf club .. again why? Donno . They feed the baby some green pills and then the baby turns into a zombie. Why? What are those pills? Not explained .. then the baby turns back to a normal baby and appeared to be not infected and some infected guy also turns back to being not infected.. what happened? Why? They didn't explain!!

Too many detailed not explained i feel like they fogot to put some scenes there !
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