Review of Red Dot

Red Dot (2021)
Derivative, but effectively suspenseful
29 December 2021
I found this tense and entertaining.

The main characters do some ridiculous things and are pretty annoying and self-centred. This is actually well articulated through the film. Like the man does these elaborate romantic gestures as if he learned about life from romantic comedies and social media but has little real world experience.

I have seen several Netflix movies where a couple of people go out to a beautiful but cold wilderness and after committing crimes or dangerous mistakes meet peril, threats, vengeance. It is a good low-budget recipe as the scenery looks great and you can get away with a small cast and not building many sets. The list of films includes Cold Pursuit, Coming Home in the Dark, Fractured, The Trip, Calibre. This isn't the worst of them, and it certainly isn't dull.
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