A Freudian masterpiece
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is easy to consider Tanya's Island softcore exploitation. Although flawed with strange content and an odd style of delivery in telling a story, this shlock of a B-movie attempts to differ itself from other Beauty and the Beast rip offs of its time like Beast and Mistress of the Apes. It is hard to ponder the possibility that this movie is nothing more that exploitation. It is not. The movie panders to that audience in its opening credits. To say nothing else, Tanya's island made its money and was considered a success in the goal it set out to accomplish. However, by the weird chance of Alfred Sole wanting to direct something other than Euro-like-trash, he unknowingly told a hidden story about sexual naivety and the weakness of women. It is obvious that this movie depicts the struggle between man and beast with the characters of Lobo and Blue. Then again, the underlining subject of Tanya being naive is beyond as obvious as her being the object of desire. We are introduced to Tanya as she is running. Towards what and from whom are never answered as we later see her as an ornament / actress and later a headache to an aggressive artist / boyfriend. Not quite innocent, Tanya is more ignorant and lost as a character as she wonders around an island like a child. What is the movie telling us about her character that is not negative? In the end, whether a dream or a reflection, Tanya is seen staring back at herself on screen while the Beast watches back. It is my opinion that both the island and the Beast are metaphors for being lost. Hence the reason Tanya spends most of her time on camera running away or running towards something.
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