Derails in final third from great movie to tragic but recovers slightly
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out as a really interesting and powerful love story about a conflicted woman torn between two men. And I thought there were some really beautiful performances and moments here particularly Chiu. I was really into this movie and loving the performances until the twist at the end which I thought made it a completely different type of film. I think I get what the filmakers were trying to do with it but is somebody who is experienced infidelity in my own marriage, I can tell you it was the worst experience ever went through and the most painful and ultimately lead to divorce even though I tried to stay with my wife. And in this movie, Ian is the hero and Zaira was our heroine up until they turned her from someone you could relate to and admire into someone I lost all respect for an intensely dislike. She went from being a strong woman to a weak, manipulated one. Now to her credit she realizes her mistake and the damage she has done and her husband chooses to forgive. He decides he loves her enough. I can tell you as a guy who loved my wife that way - ultimately what destroyed our marriage was her mental illness not infidelity which was a symptom of the larger problem- I get his choice but I still found this movie incredibly painful and I think the tone of the movie really shifted drastically in that last third in a way that weakened the movie. At least for me. Dennis Trillo however is really great here and it takes a RAW that is very laid-back and less dynamic than his two costars roles and turns it into a pillar of strength and the most admirable character in the entire movie. Kudos to him for that.
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