Review of Comanche

Comanche (1956)
Watch For The Scenery
17 January 2022
I remember almost every film I ever saw ( good, bad or indifferent), but Comanche was an exception. I saw it years ago, forgot about it and the only thing that I remembered were a couple of scenes with a beautiful girl. I just saw it again, and the only reason to watch Comanche is the scenery. It was filmed in Durango, Mexico instead of a Hollywood sound stage and getting to look at that same beautiful girl:,the always lovely Linda Cristal ( Margarita), and two scenes with Linda reminded me I saw it before. The problems with the movie was. 1: That stupid song by The Lancers which reminded me of "Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away." 2: It was honestly boring and predictable. Dana Andrews ( Jim Read) works well as a tough guy ( see Laura) but NOT an action hero ( unlike say Gary Cooper, Alan Ladd or Errol Flynn all of whom can do both), and he has to play both here. 3: Not enough Linda Cristal.
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