Arrhythmia (2017)
"Yalta - August - and you and I are in love"
19 January 2022
"Arrhythmia" is something very personal. It's as if someone not just looked into your bedroom, but looked at your whole life. With all the consequences that follow from this. He would have looked at your small and big stupidities that you committed in your 15-18-30 ... saw how truly you are able to love despite all the glamorous trends and circumstances - in a tiny kitchen, when suddenly, under you, a harsh sharpened knife or in the toilet of a cinema, where shabby aunts over 40+ go, not sleeping a day, but inspired by the company of friends and memories.

Whatever songs we loved in childhood, the cruel truth of life is that we all have our own: "Yalta is August - and we are in love with you." Honestly, sincerely, selflessly and hopefully. Focused on the fact that even if the galaxy we have chosen is moving in an unclear direction at all and we cannot keep up with it, a miracle will suddenly happen, everything will somehow get better by itself and we will catch up with it and live happily ever after.

We will drink ourselves into semi-insensibility, quarrel, break up for life, and after minutes or hours we will reunite again in order to declare the main idea of the message introduced into the film - among all this, reproduced and planted by the modern realities of human hell - everything in the world wins love.

A childishly touching story that knows no malicious intent and gives hope for immortality that money, positions, careers, regalia are just splashes compared to a living and all-encompassing substance - us, ordinary people who live, make love and try to make the world a little kinder and more reliable, in which we ourselves have been disappointed for so long.
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