Heroic Losers (2019)
Familiar story structure. but still well worth watching
25 January 2022
I've definitely seen a couple movies with a similar premise to Heroic Losers. In fact, there are elements of this plot that are remarkably similar to Tower Heist, a movie that I found extremely lackluster. The nice thing about this film is that it didn't lean too heavily into the comedy where it felt like they were trying too hard. Instead the plot plays out like a drama, but there is still a sprinkling of comedy because the characters are all quite entertaining. Also, the mere premise of a group of everyday blue collar people looking to pull a heist is inherently funny, and they do a good job of making it entertaining for the audience without becoming goofy or farcical. This is a simple, but well-constructed story that never lost me, as I was fully engaged in the characters and their story. So many of them show growth and development as the story progresses. Also, they all have their own unique personality, so I never once got confused over who was who.

I think the advantage Heroic Losers has is that the plot is naturally built to make you sympathetic for all the protagonists. You like them long before the movie ever asks you to take their side. These are not malicious men and women, but people you could see yourself befriending. Ricardo Darin is particularly engaging as the one who first brings all these people together, and he has some scenes that almost brought me to tears because he nailed the emotion so well. Admittedly, there isn't a lot of story to talk about in this film, because it is fairly straightforward, and follows a linear progression that you can often guess in advance. However, I was so invested in the characters and their mission that I could not look away. Heroic Losers is the kind of movie that could easily become comfort-viewing for me. It has a fun adventure story and enough interesting people that I was almost as engaged by this heist as I am by something like Ocean's 11.
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