Chateau Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Escape to the festive chateau
1 February 2022
If you have seen your fair share of Hallmark Christmas films, like me as a big fan of the holiday, it would be safe to say that you are very likely to know what to expect and one shouldn't expect any more. Have always watched the Hallmark Christmas films, which have been many over the past few years and especially at the end of last year, with mixed expectations. That are either met and even exceeded, or the film completely misses the mark and does little with any potential.

'Chateau Christmas' is one of the "film being more or less what was expected" sort, meaning a pleasant enough if not exceptional film. 2020 was a mixed year for Hallmark (not uncommon for previous years) and that is true for their Christmas output too, and 'Chateau Christmas' is around high middle in ranking. The story is nothing extraordinary, but it is worth seeing for seeing two Hallmark regulars doing good jobs and raising their material to a bigger level.

A lot is good. The production values are very pleasing to look at, nice use of locations slickly shot. The music generally captures the Christmas feel very well and is not near as over-scored or intrusive as too many of a lot of Hallmark films, it also plays a big part in the film and turns out to be one of the pleasures. The script can be very corny, but mostly flows nicely and has a light-hearted and sweet tone without being too sugary sweet. It's sympathetically directed without being routine.

Merritt Patterson is an engaging female lead who has a character that was relatable to me, being a musician that has struggled to bounce back after being knocked in confidence. Luke MacFarlane is always worth watching and is subtly charming and confident. Despite having problems with how the relationship was written and used, Patterson and MacFarlane did have chemistry in a more understated way when they were able to show it. The supporting cast do well

While the story isn't perfect, exceptional and is derivative, it is charming, is light on its feet and is heart-warming with nice use of the festive setting. It doesn't take itself too seriously that it becomes too dreary, while not treating things as too much of a joke at the same time. 'Chateau Christmas' has characters that are likeable, with lead characters that are not annoying or stiff like they are in other Hallmark Christmas films.

Did feel however that the central relationship was under-developed and underused, almost getting lost amidst everything to do with the music. As said the story isn't perfect, not just because of it being lacking in originality but also because it is a slow starter, feels too pat at the end and has too many not so realistic coincidences.

Like what was said before, the dialogue can be corny and has a lot of cheese in the first portion.

Overall, not bad at all and made better by the leads despite the uneven storytelling. 6/10.
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