Uneven but fun
8 February 2022
In the 1940s, there were some wartime all-star extravaganza films made. They varied in quality, pretty much all with plenty to enjoy but with missteps. Both in music and performances. As well as my love for classic film, my main reason for seeing 'Thank Your Lucky Stars' was the cast, an amazing who's who of some of the finest talent (actors, dancers and singers) during this period. Frank Loesser was an immensely gifted song-writer, both for stage and film.

'Thank Your Lucky Stars' is a very uneven film. Some of the performances work marvellously, while some fall flat. Some songs are better than others, and by quite a bit (with some great, some not so good). It is also one of those films that is not to be seen for its story, a common thing with the wartime extravaganza films. When 'Thank Your Lucky Stars' hits, it does so brilliantly. As the best performances and songs are really quite impressive, surprisingly so.

As said, 'Thank Your Lucky Stars' is not to be seen for its story. Which is paper thin, almost non-existent apart from with SZ Sakall and Edward Everett Horton, and silly, and the pacing is a bit all over the place. Sometimes perfect, at other time on the hectic side (some of Eddie Cantor's material seemed rushed through) and at other times rather draggy due to the dull subplot with Dennis Morgan and Joan Leslie (both very appealing despite lacking material) and the overlong and syrupy contributions from Dinah Shore. Shore does sing beautifully, don't get me wrong, but her songs do slow the film down.

Did feel too that the film could have been shorter, with either less songs and not made some of them so long. Shore easily could have had one less song. Not all the songs work, particularly the sleeper that is "Love isn't Born", the syrupy contributions of Shore and despite Hattie McDaniel giving it everything "Ice Cold Katy" doesn't really hold up. Neither does some of the heavy handed finale. Likewise with the performances, instantly forgettable is the last thing one usually describes Humphrey Bogart but that's what he is here and Ann Sheridan is unusually dull.

Most of the cast come off very well indeed, with Cantor playing his holding things together send up role with enormous enthusiasm. He is an acquired taste but to me he was immensely enjoyable here. Bette Davis and Errol Flynn are also standouts, also thought Alan Hale and Jack Carson perform the heck out of "Way Up North" and Alexis Smith is one beguiling dancer. Spike Jones is also an absolute joy and it is his music that fares best. The standout musical numbers being "Hotcha Cornia", "They're Either too Young or Too Old" and the riotous "That's What you Jolly Well Get". Also enjoyed the jive number. Some nice use of pre-existing music in some of the songs.

It's a nice looking film, is directed with good control, is full of spirited choreography (especially the jive number), has wit and charm in the script and enough of the film is perky and entertains immensely.

Overall, so much is good and there is plenty to enjoy but there are also misfires in music and casting and the story lacks. Fun but lacks consistency. 7/10.
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