11 February 2022
I stuck with this film for a lot longer than I thought I would simply out of morbid curiosity. I don't know what happened with the script. Maybe they lost the first ten pages? The film just starts with zero explanation of what is going on. There's a bit with Ron Perlman riding a ship in the desert in a far away world. Then it cuts to some soldiers in jeeps riding through a desert when a storm comes and transports them somewhere else (I think?). Anyway, the storm was a copy of the one in Fury Road. In fact everything here is borrowed from a classic movie (Aliens, Predator, Fury Road, Dune, even the soundtrack was very Fury Road). There was a really good chunk of action fairly early in the movie. Milla Jovovich was good in this and so were the special effects. The production levels were good in general and it looked like it had a decent budget, but, and it's a big BUT, what the hell was going on? There was just no set up and after about a third of the film it just got boring. I eventually started fast forwarding before just switching off about 20 minutes before the end. A shame because it had potential.
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