Fantastic Adaptation
13 February 2022
I was sceptical going into this. I loved the book hugely and think I must have read it about four times at this point. The trailer didn't put me in super high hopes for it in all honesty and it took me a little bit to adjust to the format that the show was going for instead of the books.

I gave it a chance though and was massively rewarded. It captures the comedy and the tragedy of the book perfectly while also creating a wider cast of recurring characters to anchor the show to a single place. The supporting cast are really fantastic and in particular just watching them do their jobs is absolutely gripping and shows how much NHS workers go through on a day to day basis. Best of all though has got to be Ben Wishaw in the lead who absolutely captures the show . I really commend Adam Kay for not shying away from making himself look bad at certain points. He just feels so human.

There's a lot of surprising elements to the story that I really enjoyed particularly in the role that certain characters play. The fourth wall stuff is also really good in allowing the audience to relate to the action as we understand more about what are after all complicated medical procedures as well as Adam's thoughts.

Just fantastic. I'm tempted to start it all over again immediately.
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