Jessica Chastain is great as Tammy Faye.
15 February 2022
Although I didn't remember many details I clearly recall Jim and Tammy Faye from things going on in the mid- to late-1980s. This movie focuses on Tammy Faye but her story can't be told without focusing on how she and Jim got together in the first place and their rocky years as televangelists.

Count me among the skeptics over televangelists in general. My favorite biblical passage (slightly modified) concerns this, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is to find a totally honest televangelist." Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert, just two of the charlatans who preached the word while enriching themselves and behaving badly. Look around today and you'll find many more still in business.

But why blame them? If it weren't for the gullible flock who believe their gas-lighting and lies, who send in donations so that they can be "saved", the televangelists wouldn't exist. Jim was crooked, Tammy Faye was gullible, they both were weak and couldn't resist living the lifestyle of luxury that their ministry allowed.

Although a bit too long, a really good movie, especially for those of us who remember Jim and Tammy Faye when they were in their prime. Chastain, who also was a producer, simply nails the role as Tammy Faye, and she also does all her own singing. I already knew she was talented, I just didn't know how talented. And, she did win the Oscar for Best Actress for her performance.

At home, on DVD from our public library.
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