Moonfall (2022)
Moonfall Review
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Now I know what your thinking ' This movie has been done to dust' I hear you and your point is Valid but here me out, Reader Bewear your in for some unpopular opinions and ( Spoilers )...

Good bits, Halley Berry, Patrick Wilson and John have amazing chemistry together on screen, which is what makes this film a joy to watch. So Let's talk about the different characters let's start off with the one that people think is nuts, you guessed it John


He does so well in his respected role. He has a theory that the moon is coming down to earth, so he tries to tell people about this and everyone thinks he's crazy, I mean why wouldn't they, am I right?. And when he meets the astronaut played buy ( Patrick wilson ) he tells him that everyone is in danger because the moon is crashing down so Patrick wilson throws him out as he thinks he's crazy. But John doesn't stop there and gathers up some more people with the promise of free bagels, and tells them about the whole moon situation. So when he is in fact right they start believing in him. And I like the little moments with his mum it's short but it's sweet. And In the end they join forces to try and save the people of earth, John, Halley and Patrick.

Halley Berry,

She's an ex wife of two children. And as to be expected she does worry too much, being that over protecting parent that we ( may or may not of had ). So I like how she is relatable and tries to do what's best for her son. And she works for ( NASA ) so she is also an astronaut as well. And is one of the ones who finds an entity living inside the moon forcing it to crash down ( I won't say what ).


Patrick instead of him being an Ex wife he's an ex husband with a son and hes also broke. With his son also hating him. His son was sent to prison so Patrick did try everything in his power to not let them take him into jail ' hes a good kid, just made a mistake ' he says not whilst in court but later on in the film, that depicts him as a farther who loves his son very much.

So I just love the arc, the journey we go on with these main protagonists are just really interesting. So is the action and cinematography with nice neat direction. And stunning visual effects. And side characters who aren't actually all that bad either. With some funny Witty lines of dialogue. And a good score to boot.

Bad bits, Some of the jokes do fall flat for me, and I didn't think the third act was anywhere near as good as it could of been. And unfortunately for this film it has been done to dust so that also does drag the movie down. But if you don't take it too seriously you will have a blast I promise you that much. I wish I could have more to say about this movie but I would be wasting your time, and It would take too long. Not oscar winner worthy but ultimately fine end of the world movie. Enjoy!

Rating stands at: 6/10 Decent enough.
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