Paid to Kill (1954)
Very familiar...easy to predict.
20 February 2022
"Five Days" ("Paid to Kill") is a British mystery starring American actor, Dane Clark. And, while I enjoyed it, I must admit that the plot is familiar and the twist, well, it was awfully easy to see coming.

James (Clark) is the CEO of a successful company. However, his board of directors doesn't know something REALLY important...he's staked the company's future on a client who has turned out to be a real jerk-face. And, now the jerk-face has backed out of a big deal...leaving James' company wide open for bankruptcy. But before anyone can find out the truth, he makes an odd get himself killed so at least his wife could be left solvent, as he is heavily insured. This means finding someone to kill him...because if it's ruled a suicide, she cannot collect on the policy. And then something unexpected happens...the jerk-face client comes through and the company is saved. But James cannot find the assassin and stopping him from carrying out his mission might not be possible. And, of course, there's a twist.

The acting and direction are just fine's just that I've seen such plots before AND the 'big twist' just is not at all surprising, as the person who plans on killing him (not JUST the assassin) is very predictable. A decent time-passer and not much more.
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