21 February 2022
Boy, talk about a message to put out there, whether it is based in truth about what young women did and do nowadays to make it in today's world.

What are Geoffrey Epstein and Carl Weinstein known for now? They did something bad?

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Polly Bergen portraying everyone's fave Ghislaine Maxwell. Deep down, she helped her girls understand who they are and what they could do.

That's right, listen to her sage wisdom and you could end up with a prince!

I gave up on Fantasy Island way back and decided to watch some episodes in reruns, now almost forty years old.

Lauren Tewes, Randi Oakes, Shelly Smith, Mark Shera, Ed Winter, Dick Gautier. It don't matter who they were; totally interchangeable. Dumb one, smart one, sad one.

But this couldn't have been some Stella Dallas or My Fair Lady sort where she gave everything up to make them into something?

I'm sure Fantasy Island did a similar storyline down the line somewhere.

She couldn't have been a reform counselor who helped them turn their lives around from street thuggery?

Without a doubt the biggest joke has to be some idea their previous life was "something to be ashamed of" yet it seemed like it helped their accomplish something in their lives.

But all that was missing was fundamentalist Bible-thumping church women showing up, or maybe that was supposed to be the estranged boyfriend's position.

It didn't matter. Everything was just totally off the wall in this episode. I'll give it three stars, one for each blonde.
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