25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looks on the surface as one of those tittles made for tv.

The reason might be that it is not pretentious and goes around a trivial murder investigation.

On the other hand, not just the music, but a whole imaginary wraps the tone on being trapped and lonely. The obesity them is this extra overlay of the theme.

It is also lovely that as he is little by little loved, he correspondently looses the proportional weight.

The movie might be more valued by the timid or introspective.

The scenes where the obese detective and the gorgeous suspect dine together are colored in specific tones, literally and dramatically.

There is a line in one of those dining scenes- without it maybe i would not have liked this movie so much. It goes a bit like this: (He has given her a gift, and it is a calleidoscope):

_ What happens when you turn it around?

_ Who you are looking at looks back at you.

And it is so deep to me. Didn't want to spoil but i is very hard to get a hold of this movie, so I am giving you my impression of it. I even tried to buy it on amazon once but it wasn't available. I them bought "Read my lips"by the same writer/director Benacquista. It's ok.

As I was saying, it is in this scene that you understand that though she is there because he blackmailed her, she is in love with him. And then it strikes the time appointed and she is free to leave.

This review is also a critic to what we have today. Which is my homemade copy of this movie does not play on Dvds anymore but all this means is not protection from piracy, but taking things aways form people. The movie is not available for buying and we cannot watch it online, nor free nor by payment.

They make us consume what they want us to consume.
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