Review of The Batman

The Batman (2022)
Best film noir adaption of Batman to date...
5 March 2022
Every Batman movie is compared to the Nolan trilogy because that is the benchmark.

This Batman movie however, doesn't try to compete, it takes a very different perspective, focusing on the "Detective" part of Batman's repertoire as he tries to solve The Riddler's crimes and how they link back to him and his family, although we do still have a few fancy gadgets and violence to go with it.

This is a very dark Noir film, and perhaps portrays the tone (visually and musically) of Gotham better than any film to date. The number of references to subtle elements of comic history, are frequent and satisfying to identify, and Pattinson's grungy Batman looks very much like he is modelled on Batman from the New 52.

I understand some people will feel frustrated with the long 3hr run time, that they'll feel there isn't much "original" elements to the story. Granted some of the characters aren't given the time they need for the viewers to really connect with them, but then again not every character needs or deserves full development, not least from Batman's perspective anyway.

However I would counter that by saying that Batman adaptions always have to have some level of overlap... in this film, the adaption of the Riddler is truly unique, a foe that hasn't had the screen time he deserves.

The cinematography is breathtaking in it's execution, as is the sparing use of colour, with some scenes looking like they're lifted straight out of a comic page!

Andy Serkis as Alfred, John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, Jeffrey Wright as Detective Gordon, Robert Pattinson as Batman, and Paul Dano as The Riddler are all absolutely excellent in their roles. You won't even recognise Colin Farrell as The Penguin! The star in my opinion is Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle... she absolutely steals the show and manages to capture the toughness, tenderness and moral complexity of Catwoman perfectly!

Lastly the use of Nirvana's song, Something In The Way is absolutely perfect for the film, capturing its essence to a tee.

An incredible, unique portrayal of Gotham and the Dark Knight, well worth it!
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