Cyrano (2021)
Positive surprise
22 March 2022
I liked it a lot and thought it surpassed my expectations. The only thing that really keeps coming to my mind is, while it was a very good movie, it could easily have been a masterpiece with a different director. Dont get me wrong Joe Wright is a skilled director but in the last years he really let it go. I really thought with a costume drama like this, where his origins of excellence are, it would be a save bet but his direction was really the weakest link to this otherwise great film.

Peter Dinklage was fantastic. He truly gave one of the best performances of the year without any question. He completely nailed that role, felt extremely comfortable in it and gave it the respect it deserves. It was marvelous and such an unpredictable performance. He deserved an Oscar nomination for this one easily. Haley Bennett was fine. She had her moments. I dont think she is a great actress but has a nice singing voice and at least nailed most of her most important moments. Kelvin Harrison Jr was okay but the material given to him was rather limited. Not sure what to think of Ben Mendelsohn. Overacting or brilliance? I guess a rewatch will decide. Great music and look as well. Sometimes it felt a bit rushed and unconnected but again I have to blame Joe Wright for this. It really got my emotional attention for that I like it a lot.
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