27 March 2022
Mary kills a woman in cold blood without much of a reason (not that any reason would justify cold-blooded murder) and when she's condemned to death, she regrets nothing but she's not happy to die.

Most of the movie takes place in the prison cell where Mary spends her last two weeks waiting for a reprieve and thinking about the past. Married Mary used to work in a beauty parlor and met Jim when he came in to buy perfume for another woman. Mary "fell madly in love", while Jim not so much.

Eventually, Mary leaves her husband for Jim and they have a bumpy relationship that ends abruptly when Jim chases Mary away, professing his love for Lucy, the other woman, who's treating him badly. Pretty banal and Jim's not a man to pine for, but Mary's not so smart.

During her time on death row, Mary's thoughts flutter without much logic or consistency as proved by the fact that she's not sorry about killing Lucy, and not even about being caught, but only about her impending demise, for which she is the sole responsible. Her daily routine does seem pretty absurd, as does the pretense to go on with a "normal" life and the understandable uneasiness of the guards rotating on 24 hours watch, but they've made better movies against death penalty.
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