The Oblongs (2001–2002)
A Political MSG wrapped up in semi decent comedy
5 April 2022
I watched up until they dressed up the Younger male son in makeup and womens clothing like something out of a public drag in Seattle (which don't get me wrong , I like CD but these people are clearly pushing an agenda)

ted kaczynski once wrote there is a natural evolution to the leftist psychology , as it evolves so does its inherent forms (I'm more or less on the fence with his beliefs I believe him and Micheal Chrichton where very similar in there views towards the natural world and genetic engineering a subject very hastily ignored in science for the obvious affectionate cash grab for the corporate elites and no valid considerations for ethical concerns)

Stuff like this is a mere ethical or even more transcending socio-political development in how some areas of the leftist ideologues press for there inverted ideals into the minds of youth and you'd might argue (well certainly this isn't for children !!) well have a long look , how many children have known in your family who watch south park or play M Rated games like call of duty , at some point it is intent appeal to them and there trying to have them listen some lambasted conversative lampoon on there TV set to a comedic invitation to more political rhetoric

This also goes back too ted who'd also spoke of how these same people asserting in there own creepy inviteful manor of endorsement towards minorities is well acknowledge behind closed doors to full hearted contempt as they are just invariable tools of those above there status , this stuff has no interest for homosexuals or transgenders...

Yukio Mishima a proud man of Japanese descent who was gay , (who I'd also for a brief second to show not only how tone deaf the LGBT community for noting his name down in Castro even though he was hardcore ultranationalist and stands for nothing they represent) had a painting that was owned by David Bowie another symbol of gay pride , so I'd like to ask when do we associate david bowie as a reactionary for having a painting of a pro Imperial Japan homosexual Japanese Nationalist...

the scheme of this is , there is no right answer...

there is only how "they" choose to make the rules

and this is just natural evolution of that.
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