The waltz is glorious. The film itself is pretty depressing.
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Utilizing the voice that he would making immortal as Inspector Clouseau, "Pink Panther" star Peter Sellers plays a retiring General who doesn't want anything to do with the wife, Margaret Leighton, he hasn't spent time with in years, preferring to go after his pretty younger mistress, Dany Robin. Legion, once a great Beauty, has become an ailing true, taking lovers of her own but never quite satisfied. She both loves and hates her husband, and has remained waiting for him simply so she can torture him for the misery she says he's caused her. You get to see what a raving Beauty she wants was in the scene where he Squires her around the floor, Romancing her and eventually making her his wife. But that brief moment of happiness has turned into years of misery, and what she has turned into has made her even more vindictive against him.

As for Robin, she's suicidal after learning that Sellers is going to go home to see his wife, afraid she's lost him, and her efforts to drown herself has her rescued by a man she ends up falling in love with. It's obvious that both Sellers and Leighton are having difficult times accepting their advancing age, even though they live in the lap of luxury in a glorious castle. When she finally goes off on him, refusing to divorce him, all of the light-hearted moments of the first 90 minutes of the film practically disappear as it becomes a very bitter story of two people who hate each other completely and have declared war on each other without the benefit of a divorce attorney. It's very colorful with beautiful location footage including castles, bridges and great green meadows, running late but Sellers and leaton certainly have no color in their lives. He's great playing both himself as a younger man and as an older one, and Leighton is amazing in showing the haggard battleaxe she's become in spite of having once been quite lovely. A twist at the end helps lighten things up a bit, but the film has many mood swings that affects its overall impact.
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