11 May 2022
Errol Flynn shines his pearlies in this 1944 drama which takes place in France. Caught & convicted, Flynn is about to be executed (for a murder) & the authorities are so sure of their decision, the man who caught him, played by Paul Lukas, is in attendance but right at the moment his body meets the gallows & being they're in the midst of the German occupation, a bombing strafe occurs leaving everyone covered in rubble but more importantly Flynn a free man. Flynn hooks up w/his old running mate but overextends his hand when he makes a play for his woman, which prompts him to rat him out to Lukas who captures him. Escorting him back to the powers that be, Flynn & Lukas are embroiled in a train bombing as the Nazis scour a small town looking for the culprit which inspires Flynn to volunteer, at least to Lukas, that he should turn himself in as the bomber since he's going to die anyway. Helping him along w/his cause is a young lovely, Jean Sullivan, but clearly Flynn is using whatever means he can to get away. Will the cad finally change for the better or let innocents die just because? Flynn is wonderful here doing right as he does wrong w/Lukas a perfect foil for his wanton selfishness & other than a few missteps in having American actors playing French citizens (James Flavin as a flic comes off being more Brooklyn than Paree), director Raoul Walsh keeps the script bouncing along till the very bittersweet end.
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