Postal 4: No Regerts (2022 Video Game)
Saints Row 5: Many Regerts
16 May 2022
I enjoy POSTAL 2. It is an awesome game with an awesome edge.

This game lacks almost everything what made POSTAL 2 so memorable.

The biggest mistake was putting it on Early Access immediately after first trailer dropped when it should have been added on Tuesday update.

Other than that, I was worried when they decided to increase the price up til $40 and the game does not deserve this price.

Now back to the point: Edensin feels empty and more like some bad combination of Florida and Las Vegas.

Art Style and humor makes this game look like Saints Row. There are janky things that aren't acceptable nor fun. Optimization is weak.

RWS, if you are reading this, please, fix janky things that aren't acceptable and optimization. If you have problem with money, make a growdfunding or ask for other studio which isn't busy to help you. You also understimate the power of Russians. Akella didn't have that power, but those behind XPatch and Eternal Damnations had and those guys can help you with the game.

Conclusion: I will not give this game a rating because I hope RWS fixes many bugs and glitches that ruin the fun and I hope you bring back edge in dlc. Also, make a map smaller and give it a feeling that is full and calm yet gives you that feeling about something not being right.
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