Old ideas, stolen moments masked as new and interesting,
19 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is like the writer of this movie was a big fan of sliders, quantum leap, the matrix and Rick and Morty. They essentially take all these ideas and mash them together with a little bit of kung fu and cheap potty humor. (I mean wow, the jokes were soo bad in this movie I felt embarrassed) Predictable plot line (main story line if you can call it that) and unleavable (and mostly silly/stupid) action.

Michelle also doesn't deliver in this, the action is great (but completely unbelievable) , but her acting and delivery of her lines is lacking of emotion and believability, I still don't think she is a very good actress.

I really wanted to like this movie but it was lacking in most respects, the entire movie was full of moments i've already seen in so many other movies and shows that it felt repeated and boring. I don't understand why so many people are giving this such high reviews. (I was also constantly taken out of the movie with over the top action scenes or failed attempts at humour)

I'm adding this after the fact, there are many moments in the show that actually have no grounding in reality. Yes I know it's science fiction, but it was based in our reality, with our physics and laws. How can a women who has never worked out, thrown a punch, done a pushup suddenly able to jump off walls and throw people around. Sure she has the knowledge and skill, but not the muscle mass or body. There is one moment she throws a POLICE SHEILD like its captain Americas shield, hits multiple people and then proceeds to catch it. Completely took me out of the moment, and there are a lot of these moments. I know I'm supposed to suspend my believes for movies but this just takes it too far. They try to be the matrix but fail hard. You cant just suddenly know how to weightlift and do it. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT.

This movie has so many borrowed ideas and stolen moments from other shows and movies its embarrassing, this is only the directors second actual movie and really shows how they should have stuck to music videos. Yes people will argue there are no new stories, well this movie goes to prove that.

The sad part is so many people enjoy this goes to show how out of touch people are and how starved they are for something different even if its a heaping pile of garbage.
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