This was Incredible! Can't wait to watch The Conclusion!
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know nothing about Indian Cinema. If Baahubali is the standard, then I'm in for a spectacular and wildly fun ride.

I decided to watch Baahubali on Netflix about a year ago. As I knew nothing of Indian Cinema beforehand and really little about the story of the film itself, I had slightly low expectations that it would be an okay martial arts film. Fortunately, all my low expectations were shattered by this incredible work of art.

The acting for the archetypal and relatable characters is spot-on. I really want to check out what else Prabhas has done since he is so cool in this movie. I kind of noticed a similarity between Mahendra and Son Goku in the Dragon Ball franchise in that Mahendra is a free-spirited and kind-hearted fighter who stands up for the weak and fights against bullies, basically like Goku. The villain's actor is quite physically imposing and it's fascinating to see how in flashbacks we see how he become the character he is. I felt the female lead for Mahendra's storyline was a little underdeveloped in terms of character and the story kind of pushes her aside as a secondary character in regards to the general plot.

The music is definitely one of the selling points of this film as well as the incredible dance sequences. There are some really great song and dance pieces throughout this movie and they are far better pieces than what you see in Disney's live-action musical remakes, and that even includes the masterpiece remake of Beauty and the Beast, in my opinion. I love all the songs in this film, but for some reason I really enjoy the sequence near the beginning with Mahendra lifting the metal totem of Shiva and carrying it over to the waterfalls and a cool-sounding chant-prayer plays on the soundtrack with some awesome drumming as well. Also, the song and music that plays when Mahendra summons his strength and starts climbing the waterfall mountain is iconic, beautiful, and quite honestly majestic.

The action scenes in this movie are the other selling point. Several of the fight scenes are right out of a Zack Snyder movie, but the climatic battle sequence near the end between the city defenders and the barbarian horde invaders (Sorry, couldn't remember how to spell their tribal name or the city, either) is right out of The Return of the King and The Battle of the Five Armies. I'd say it's definitely one of the top ten medieval battle sequences I've ever seen. Really amazing and thrilling.

And that cliffhanger ending. The final line (and subsequent related image) uttered is a jaw-dropping shocker and just makes you want to load up the next film in the Netflix queue.

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