Review of Dashcam

Dashcam (I) (2021)
One for the found footage fans
2 June 2022
Like his previous work, Rob savage goes modern found footage horror and delivers on the scares. The practical effects in this and seemless CGI are really impressive and had me cringing in some parts with just how gory it was. A lot is left to your imagination caused by the out of control camera, but found footage is almost its own genre by now so this sorta thing is to be expected.

Like 'Host' the film is short and sweet, I feel you could shave 15-20 mins off this one but apart from the long set up when it kicks off, it doesn't really stop. Both films give you a little time to catch your breath before taking it away again.

My only main problem was the unlikeable lead actress. She gave a great performance if she was going for someone you love to hate, and I was glad to see her put through hell, no redeeming qualities about her, and I feel as though she learns nothing through her ordeal, but it was an entertaining journey.

Would love to see what Savage can do with a bigger budget. He clearly has a lot of love for found footage and is bringing some creative new technique and scares to the table, will be following his career from now on.
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