Review of Dashcam

Dashcam (I) (2021)
Decent watch
14 June 2022
Firstly I have to state that many, many people just aren't getting the fact Annie's character is written to be this obnoxious idiot and plays the role to perfection because it's doing it's job. Maybe too well going by some reviews. It's a skill being able to make an audience hate you deliberately and you have to be able to differentiate between good acting doing it's job like this movie or because someone is just a crap actor. I think the younger audience are being (using their diction here) "triggered". Like the the little kid in the Babadook. Brilliantly done.

Anyway, onto the movie. I see a lot of people saying it's "disgusting". Well guys, that's called practical effects which have been worked on by actual people and not CGI and it affects viewers much more, for example, John Carpenters "The Thing" (I'm in no way saying this is anywhere near as good as that masterpiece). I found it entertaining which is obviously what I want from a movie, and at just 82 minutes, it's not too taxing. So it is gory, and I'm not a fan of too much gore in movies unless it adds to the story and isn't just for shock value or to make it horror.

The acting is fine and there's also a good few cameos from the cast of the directors first movie "Host" which I highly recommend.

Overall I would recommend this to friends and think it's a decent movie, especially for only a 2nd attempt at a movie. I'll definitely will be following this director in the future and look forward to more projects.
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