Heed my warning
15 June 2022
Alright guys, I'm going to attempt to keep this short... and maybe not so sweet. As a lover of indi horror and someone who acts in them as well I'm going to try to keep in mind that saying our mothers taught us... while also being honest.

This movie was unsuccessful with very few positives in my opinion. The dialogue was uncomfortably contrived, abrupt and with zero tact. It almost felt like it was written by an AI. The acting was wooden and very stilted across the board. The main girl, while successful in some high intensity emotional scenes, had a particularly stilted performance along with the father and the abusive mother. The only actor that stood out positively to me was the old lady in the hospital. But again, how much did they really have to work with being handed a script like THAT.

The editing and progression of plot was so disjointed and jumpy it almost felt like it was not in chronological order, despite the few flashbacks. I found myself many times going... wtf is going on... The movie as a whole was wildly too long as well. So many unnecessary and drawn out scenes. Should have been 85 min max.

Many of the horror effects were successful and looked pretty good, even though the movie was riddled with cheap jump scares. I also found myself liking the score and sound design throughout as well. The quality of picture was nice too, the movie looked pretty professional.

I started to regret my decision about 20 minutes into the film and by an hour in I wanted to turn it off. However I mustered through the last hour to find a moderately interesting yet not particularly original twist that didn't go much of anywhere. This movie is plagued with cliches, questionable performances and far too long of a run time leaving it at a 2.5 for me. Rounding down to a two feels harsh so I'm going to go ahead with a three, but if I'm perfectly honest I would not recommend this one...
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