Traffic Stop (2017)
21 June 2022

With the new changing attitudes of how one carries themselves in public and how they completely disrespect and disobey police officer's orders has seemed to become an everyday occurrence. Definiely sends up a red flag on one creating a situation to use the police brutality discrimination card.

The moment police see this happening, they should back away from the hostile situation and call for Task Force backup.

In the dosumentary she even continues to prey on an additional policeman who had to transport her (the one she liked) by asking him his thoughts on racism. She is trying claim this as black discrimination. But, you notice she did not lash out to his remark. She was a perfect citizen all of a sudden. Clearly she was in fact well educated with alledged police brutality issues, so why hadn't she done her part in protecting herself against any possibilities. Redflag.

Another red flag is how she kept looking at the camera in the police car when she was carrying on, trying to see if she was being filmed or not. And, then asking about the video coverage outside and if it video in the incident would be covered. She had known when she jumped out of the car and approached the policeman that she would be on film and where she could start her nonsense. She was not sure if the video would wide angle.

Police departments need to find a new approach on dealing with the Race Card signs. It is a shame that a police officer can't sue these people individually and fight back somehow. But decent, law abiding, respectful people don't fight. They don't carry violent tendancies.

And, personally I am disgusted with hearing about it in my everyday existence. Protect people like myself from enduring this.

Maybe something came out of this that might sink in to her well educated narcassist brain and that is not to be speeding anymore. Unless, of course you run out of the City of Austin's tax payer money you were awarded of $425,000.
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