A stellar exploitation effort but is problematic elsewhere
23 June 2022
After meeting a distressed woman in the road, a trucker escorting her to safety learns about what she's running from through her stories of being involved with a mysterious aristocrat and his mother who loved to indulge in misguided correctional torture against women and finally forced her to escape.

Generally, this one was a problematic if somewhat watchable genre effort. What really works in this one is the exploitation stylings that are the main focus of this one where it focuses on the treatment of the girls for their indiscretions. With the cruelty and barbaric features here including trapping girls in solitary confinement, then resorting to constant flogging, and finally being lynched, the use of this setup provides a fun starting point for the treatment of the rest of the prisoners. That there's a nice amount of sleazy nudity and sexual themes for the entire run here manages to offer up the kind of thrills that work quite well in this kind of film as the style here comes off rather well. With a great final half with the race to find her friend and the mysterious prison that seems to pop up in the community, these offer some enjoyable elements. There are some flaws to be had with this one. Among the biggest detrimental factors here is the highly troublesome and rather detrimental politics at play within the prison. The idea of the area serving as a means of rehabilitating women accused of committing crimes in the real world through the use of puritanical punishment for the most innocent of transgressions is fine enough, but the internal politics on display serve no purpose. Rather than trying to impose reasoning and rationale into their pursuit of rehabilitation towards the girls, this one seems to just throw relentless and barbaric torture at the girls in the name of serving them justice for no rhyme or reason in the name of justification for what they're doing which is quite unappealing and troublesome. As well, there's also the highly problematic issue of the lack of a charismatic lead at the center of the nasty business. Rather than appearing to be a charismatic, charming playboy that would generally appeal to women in love with a lavish, opulent lifestyle that would allow him to not only get away with the crimes as much as he does but also keep seducing others to provide more victims, he's the exact opposite here. The guy here is suitably bland and unappealing beyond his looks, making it impossible to believe that he's capable of seducing the women he does to keep them stored in the facility which makes his disappearance from the film all the more enjoyable how it's confined to such small parts of the film overall. The last problematic factor here is the rather bland and underwhelming pace featured throughout here. This is far too long for its own good trying to pass off the various goings-on and inner workings of the prison creates a highly distressing and bland setup. By featuring the punishments as the main features throughout here, the fact that this one takes quite a while to get there means the film is far too long to get to the good points, and bringing everything even more problematic with this is the in-between time waiting for the tortures to come into play since we have to wait for the indiscretion to happen before it can be punished. That means a long period of time is spent on this one not indulging in its main point and brings this down considerably with the other flaws on display.

Rated R: Full Nudity, Violence, and Graphic Language.
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