The 'snatch' business
26 June 2022
Leo Carrillo (Braganza) plays a Mexican bandit leader. He captures singer Nino Martini (Chivo) because he falls in love with his tenor voice and makes him an honorary bandit. However, Martini doesn't make a very good bandit. Carrillo wants to modernize - he wants an automobile and so he instructs his gang to hold up wealthy brat James Blakeley (Shay) and his girlfriend Ida Lupino (Jane) who they happen to come across while fleeing through the desert. At first, he just wants the car but carries out a 'snatch' once he learns who Blakeley's father is. Lupino and Martini develop feelings for each other. Of the love variety. It's a comedy so we have a happy ending.

This film is funny with comedy Mexican stereotypes and Carrillo leads well by learning all his mannerisms and sayings from American gangster films. He wants to operate more like the American gangsters. Of course, he is totally unprepared for this kind of lifestyle. It's a funny idea. A mention must be made of the scenery. The Mexicans in their hats riding through the cactus desert is one memorable scene whose image lingers on after the film. There are several moments like this.

Unfortunately, Martini gets too much singing time but there are a couple of good songs in there (mainly by other people - a girl trio and the Mexican bandits themselves). Perhaps this isn't a comedy but actually a documentary about Mexican bandits. It is certainly how I would expect them to be. And Carrillo has some moments of great dialogue.
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