An Unexpected Horror Anthology
28 June 2022
There's nothing as disconcerting as going on IMDB for a little illumination on what you just watched to find "I only watched for six minutes. Don't waste your time," or "It only played to the end cause I was reading." In other words, you felt compelled to review a film you haven't seen. Some people must really like to see their names in print. That said, it took me a bit to realize that this was an anthology. I think that was because they aren't so much complete stories as they are vignettes. The closest to a complete tale is the one about the metal-head chicks attending a rock festival and staying in a rental house. And maybe the one about the girl getting her first period. Anyway, the stories piqued my interest at some points, lost my attention at others, but overall provided me with some unsettling moments and some gruesome imagery, which is all I require for a direct-to-video horror flick. I look forward to these filmmakers' future works, hopefully staying within the horror genre, as it's fertile ground for innovation. Some of these vignettes could be exapanded into full-length features, such as the one about the old man collapsing at the train station.
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