Fun fighting violence (that won't stand out in a crowd)
30 June 2022
If nothing else is true, there is at least one thing that martial arts flicks rather reliably have in common, especially those developed in the United States (or at least outside Hong Kong). For the most part, plot is light or thin, and little more than a pretense to spotlight honored disciplines. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this; these titles have a clear intention and surely know exactly what they are. 'Shootfighter: Fight to the death' certainly fits into that same category. There's a narrative, yes, but it's broadly unremarkable, and bears definite similarities to those of other pictures - and just as much to the point, the length is filled with scenes that quickly shift into fights, accentuating the thrust of the title. And with that: so long as you have no expectations otherwise, this is pretty decent, if unremarkable in the long run.

It's easy enough to highlight the movie's faults, or at least where it could have used a little more attention. The characters are pretty flat and standard: the hothead, the one with the troubled past who's trying to be better, the wise teacher with A History, the bad guys, the girlfriends. Most of the cast show glimmers of nuance in their performances that would surely sprout under the right circumstances, but a hardnosed fighting movie isn't that, and the restrictions are evident of what acting abilities they may possess. It's also noteworthy that the plot is even lighter than one may assume upon starting to watch, and I'd be lying if I said the climax didn't feel a little forced. Perhaps more substantively - if to a lesser extent than some of its brethren, 'Shootfighter' makes use of overzealous camerawork and editing in depicting some of the action scenes. There are too many times when, instead of plainly showcasing the genuine impact of each blow, the rapidity of the fundamental filmmaking is intended to heighten the thrills instead. In some instances this is important from a very real safety standpoint, especially in the last act, but overuse dampens some of the visceral stimulation that the film might have to offer.

On the other hand, while the presentation of martial arts is imperfect, it's better than not. Between the unmistakable skills of many of those assembled, and excellent choreography, the fight scenes are outstanding - tense, violent, exciting, and highly invigorating. Weirdly, 'Shootfighter' seems to be the only directorial credit for Patrick Alan, but in my mind it appears as though he demonstrates sufficient capability that I'm surprised he didn't make more movies. The action sequences are the chief draw of this title, and they make the viewing experience worthwhile - but there are, actually, other bits that are done well, too. If not terrific and essential, the score composed by Joel Goldsmith is gratifyingly dynamic and grabbing in no few instances, lending to the drama of the matches. The basic arrangement of every scene, including the whole environs of the tournament, feel suitably slimy and real. And while the screenplay at large merely serves its purpose - the utmost potential isn't teased out - we get peeks of character depth, their backgrounds and mentalities, that even unfulfilled is softly enticing.

Of course, one could him and haw about qualities and critiques all day. When all is said and done the only point of inquiry 'Shootfighter' cares about is the value of the fighting, and by that measure, this is pretty swell. Again, the martial arts violence illustrates flaws in action film-making, but is generally tight, fluid, and energizing; the picture is well made overall, and I do like it. It's just that unless one is an utmost fan of someone involved, there's no particular reason to seek out this specific production over another, and others unquestionably stand out more. (Also, despite Bolo Yeung's top billing, and the supporting part of Maryam d'Abo, neither have all that much screen time, so don't get your hopes up on their accounts.) Still, if you've somehow stumbled across 'Fight to the death' in the first place, chances are it's something that's going to be up your alley one way or another. Don't go out of your way to see this, but if you chance upon it, 'Shootfighter' satisfactorily scratches the itch for fighting fun.
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