A much better than average Bob Steele flick.
15 July 2022
"The Man from Hell's Edges" is one of Bob Steele's best westerns and it's also a nice chance to see George Hayes before he took on his familiar 'Gabby' persona.

The story begins with Bob (Steele) breaking out of prison. Soon, he's met by two friends (one of which is Hayes) and they assist him throughout the movie. Who these people are isn't clear until the end and you can't help but assume that Bob isn't who he pretends to be. So why the ruse and what is REALLY going on? See the film and find out for yourself.

The story really hums here and Steele is as pugnacious as ever...and does some dandy stunts along the way.

By the way, the 'Hell's Edges' part from the title refers to prison...a nickname they apparently called it back in the day. Also, you'll likely notice the gay joke in the film...something you NEVER would have seen just a couple years later once the new and much tougher Production Code went into effect. In addition to getting rid of nudity, cursing and fornication in films, any mention of gays was removed by the new Code.
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