Almost Turned This Off
18 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Conmen are a dime a dozen and I don't know how people have their heads in the sand; because there have been multiple, multiple documentaries about these con men.

They're always secret agents of the government, yet they're always blabbing and bragging about being secret agents and just that alone should be a tip off that you're dealing with a conman.

As we have seen with the cult of Q of today, there are millions of gullible morons to choose from (Really Q? Everyone's a clone? There are such a thing as a medbed?)

Give me a break!

It must be like shooting ducks in a barrel. Just start telling some lonely woman that you're a secret agent and see if she goes for that Hook Line and Sinker and you know you got one.

At some point, I believe these women (this type of con is usually perpetuated against women; but men are just as guillible) do know they're dealing with a con man; but they don't want to be alone or lonely and so they start to con their own selves. Better to say that you were conned the entire time and had no idea, than to admit you were rooked.

Very disappointed that the children took so long to realize something was wrong and that the poor daughter actually went to the bank and handed this con man $10,000 of her savings. Shame on mom. Your children are lovely. They must take after their dad and grandpa.

What's wrong with people? I was actually more irritated by this documentary, than I enjoyed, because it's just too frustrating to listen to people being stupid. There are people who are still clicking on links in scam emails!

Not for nothing, but the way the cons work is through other people's greed not just their naivete or their gullibility. Our greed is what helps us to be conned

PT Barnum never lied!
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