Were this a curry, it would be a vindaloo.
23 July 2022
Strong and intense but lacking any delicate flavour.

This film has aged reasonably well and is still quite entertaining. However unlike Warner's very similar Baby Face, made a few months later, this one lacks that film's depth and layering. That's not to say that this is not a good film, it's ok and it manages to effortlessly capture the authenticity of the early thirties and it's witty script, like Miss Harlow 's boobs, keeps it bouncing along.

Although she was a lovely person (nothing like her character), I've never understood why Jean Harlow became such a sex symbol let alone a star. Comparing this with Baby Face and particularly with Barbara Stanwick, you can see how much better and believable Stanwick is in conveying such determination and alchemistic allure. With regard to her acting talent she is very much a one trick pony. Fortunately this role is the one role she can play well but she's still no great actress.

After seeing it, straight laced Louis Mayer was outraged with the lack of morality - the British censor was even more disgusted and banned it in the UK. Irving Thalberg however, who's project this was, knew what the audience wanted and how to make money. This and Baby Face seem quite tame these days but it's fascinating to see how attitudes have changed.
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