The Temp (1993)
I bought this solely because I remember LFB being like a Goddess in this
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Haven't seen it since the 90's, I think it's a good thriller? Well, watching it tonight was somewhat disappointing, as I found some real problematic elements. (Not you, Lara. You're alright with me, cookie! I mean, back in her day, Yikes!).

First of all, the framework of this story is so innocuous and dull, only a major studio would "approve" and release a premise so mind-numbing (there was a purpose behind this, check out the extras, Paramount insisted on changes). Competing corporate cookie companies? And all the corporate dirtbags trying to climb their way to the top? I will say, this much was effective: It makes you root for the villain (murderous, backstabbing, psychotic, lying, super-vixen, "The Temp," Kris, played by Lara Flynn Boyle). Great character and performance. Everyone else in the movie essentially plays the same character, and that includes Peter (Timothy Hutton). Synopsis above says he's a "nice guy." No he's not, he comes off as just another jerk. Though, credit the screenwriter, he is written with a psychological history of paranoia. This is the one and only element that makes this character, inside this story, interesting.

*SPOILER* The final, I dunno, 20 minutes is a contrived mess. And some of it I couldn't make heads or tails of. Ok, someone messed with Kris' brakes to try and kill her. In the trivia below, it says Faye Dunaway didn't want her image tarnished (in what is an out of left field, nonsensical ending), so they tacked on another switcheroo ending. So, because the movie ends the way it does, it makes no sense for someone to tamper with Kris' brakes. They needed MORE reshooting, because that's a major blunder.

To be honest, I was confused with all of what transpired after Peter and Kris skid to a halt. Afterward, apparently they shack up in some extravigant hotel? They have a discussion, and Peter says they'll pick up in the morning. Cut to: Peter getting out of the shower to answer the phone?! What in the F did I just miss? Did Kris spend the night? Did they sleep together? Did she get her car fixed?! Seems like this crucial plot point was just ignored. He gets called to the bakery, yadda yadda yadda, major studio mess, and let's wrap this up in a totally nonsensical manner. How did Kris wind up there? Where was she? People battling it out in a factory. What led this character-driven corporate thriller to a fight in a plant?

What I felt really worked in this movie was the character of The Temp, and the mysteries surrounding her and/or her nefarious intentions, paired with Peter's (re-) onset paranoia, where he constantly has to question all these bizarre occurrences (of which the temp always has an answer for). Some extraneous nonsense (and flat-out boredom) bring this potentially intriguing thriller down a few notches.

Blu-ray extras: ...are very telling. According to the director, special effects, and editor, The Temp was supposed to be an entirely different movie. It was written, directed, shot, and edited as a dark comedy horror/thriller. The head of Paramount changed hands, wanted a straight-up thriller, and forced them to completely re-tool it within 2 weeks. It's pretty amazing to listen to, as none of these three have anything good to say about the final result. Almost all the special effects were cut out, the factory scene was gutted, and they completely changed the ending. Definitely watch the interviews if you think this was a swing and a miss, it's got studio interference written all over it.
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