Review of Suburbicon

Suburbicon (2017)
Enjoyed it more than I expected.
28 July 2022
Although mostly predictable, I enjoyed it, and liked the style. If you're watching this expecting a funny movie, don't get your hopes up. I only see it as a movie that's not taking itself too seriously. If I could change anything, I would make it a bit more over the top with everything.

For those wondering what the point of the racism side story is - to add to the contrast. On the surface, you have this perfect and peaceful suburbs, with beautiful houses, cars and stylish people, but the community is in fact full of violence. Motives might differ, but it's there in almost everyone, except the new family trying to live their lives, and the kids. They're even being blamed for everything in the end, because it's always someone else who"s the problem.
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