Dawn! (1979)
Better than its reputation
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This biopic of legendary Australian swimmer Dawn Fraser sunk without trace when first released and everything I've read about it over the years has been negative.

I've been curious to view this film over the years to see what went wrong and after finally having watched it... it's actually not that bad.

To be sure there are significant flaws in it. The biggest problem is that it never answers the question of how someone as rebellious and defiant as Fraser was managed to obtain the relentless discipline and training to become a champion swimmer. We see her constantly flouting authority, struggling with the lack of financial incentive swimming had in that era (especially as she came from a working-class family) and yet she still becomes one of the greatest swimmers of the 20th century. Obviously she had considerable talent but something motivated her to put the work in to reach these heights and the film offers nothing in that regard.

Also, the film is rather shoddy at times for a technical perspective, especially when it comes to the Olympic events themselves. The final of Fraser's win at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics looks like it was filmed at a local suburban pool.

Where the film does work though as a characterisation of Fraser, especially after her swim career ends (roughly the last third of the film). We see someone not well-equipped to deal with real life after becoming a national icon; she has regular relationship troubles, caring for her child and finding a satisfying role in life post-swimming. It's not told melodramatically as standard biopics are but with realism; it's all the more interesting for it.

And the ending of this film sums it up. There's no grand finale - triumphant or disastrous. It just ends in a very matter-of-fact style with Fraser going to her local pub and catching up with friends. The film seems to be taking the perspective that while her life has been struggle post-swimming, she still has her health and friends and will always be revered as an Australian sporting legend. Life goes on from her. It's quite a mature viewpoint for the film to take.

A lot of the criticism for the film centred around the performance of Bronwyn Mackay-Payne that it wasn't up to standard (she never acted again). But in a funny way it suits the film well as this isn't a traditional biopic requiring an actor to convince in Hollywood-style melodramatic triumphs and failures. Her reserved, diffident performance feels like a convincing portrayal of how Fraser would've been in real life.

Overall, 'Dawn!' isn't a lost classic of any sort. It has lots of flaws and issues. But it's better than its reputation and worth seeking out for those interested in the first half of Fraser's life.
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